“What I encountered with Blue Mesa Coaching is master coaches with years of experience in both private coaching and working within organizations. They're the real deal and it was moving to have the opportunity to learn from them every step of the way.” - Jan Sugar, Communications Coach

Advanced Coaching Skills
You are a seasoned leadership coach or an executive coach. You value continuous improvement and professional development and want to engage in a meaningful learning community.
Coaching Mastery
This program is designed specifically for experienced leadership coaches and executive coaches. Our senior teachers have executive leadership experience in Fortune 50 companies and are Master Certified Coaches: one is an ICF PCC and MCC Assessor; the other is a PCC Assessor under the ICF Markers.
Coaching Mastery is a 22.5 hour webinar (10 weeks x 2 hours 15 minutes/week) designed for seasoned leadership and executive coaches. It teaches a proven methodology in Transformational Coaching principles that support sustained personal and organizational change for coaching clients.
Coaching Mastery is taught through three important aspects of coaching: the being, thinking, and action tools of a coach. Together, we explore deep listening, profound inquiry, and exceptional observation skills. The program qualifies for 18 ICF Core Competency and 4.5 Resource Development CCEUs.
Sign up for access to a free coaching demonstration.
FREE DEMONSTRATIONThis program design includes live and recorded demonstration, discussion, case studies, reading, and assignments between webinars.
Participants will have the thinking, being, and action tools necessary to:
- Become more powerful observers
- Target conversations to generate improved client engagement
- Encourage sustained and meaningful change
This program connects Transformational Coaching principles to the International Coach Federation’s Core Competencies and Code of Ethics:
1: Thinking Tools-5 Weeks
- Learn to Learn
- Personal Mastery, Responsibility, and Power
- Communication for Results
- Commitment Management
- Emotional Intelligence
2: Being Tools-2 Weeks
- Mindfulness
- Presence
- Emotional Management for Coaches
3: Action Tools-3 Weeks
- Systems Thinking
- Integrate the key skills required of masterful coaching by synthesizing the Being, Thinking, and Action tools presented in this program.
- Correlate the PCC Markers to the coaching demonstrations offered throughout the program.
This program is delivered via teleconference.
- Homework is applicable to everyday working situations, so coaches can immediately put theory into practice.Homework is applicable to everyday working situations, so coaches can immediately put theory into practice.
- Class size is limited to 20 participants.
- Teleconferences are recorded and may be downloaded.
- Teaching methods include role-play, demonstrations, case studies, small group work, simulations, and limited lectures.
This program is designed for seasoned leadership coaches.
To qualify for this program, the coach must have demonstrated understanding of leadership challenges and/or executive coaching experience, a clear understanding of organizational leadership challenges, and business acumen.
Payment can be made by check. Payment plans are available.